
Why a 3?
Of all the numbers in Discipleship by the Numbers we realize the 3 may be the most difficult. Three speaks to accountability, transparency, and vulnerability; to opening ourselves up to going deep and sharing life and faith with others in an intimate way. Jesus had a 3 in Peter, James and John. He invited them with him to places he didn’t invite all the other disciples or apostles. He allowed them into his inner circle and he got to know them and they got to know him.
As Wesleyans, we have a rich heritage of discipleship in this intimate way known as bands. Band Meetings are typically a group of 3-5 people who share life deeply—confessing sins to one another and helping each other grow in love of God and neighbor. This group meets together regularly, committed to one another, praying for one another, and helping one another become the example of Love of God in this world. At First Church these are called Covenant Groups or Catechesis Groups. If you are interested in forming one of these groups, please talk with your community pastor.
At times, it can be helpful to have a one-on-one relationship with someone trained to help in spiritual and/or mental health matters. First Church has a Licensed Pastoral Counselor on staff, Taylor Zimmerman, who integrates theology with psychotherapy to help clients find health and healing. Taylor offers services and referrals to other clinicians in the area.
Along with counseling people are invited to sign up for sessions for Spiritual Training. You are probably familiar with personal trainers at gyms who help you set up a program for working on areas you choose—strength, cardio, etc. Such is the same with Spiritual Training. If you want to grow deeper in prayer, study, fasting, etc., set up a time to meet with Carol Cooper.
Set up a time to meet with Carol Cooper
There are multiple options to include a “3” in your discipleship. You can choose one way or many and we are here to help you on your journey.