
Being devoted is defined as loyalty or “given over” to someone or something. Devotion shows our priorities as it places a special emphasis on a relationship or belief or activity. We know what it looks like to be devoted to a ball team. You watch the games, wear the shirts, and become conversant with the details. You orient a significant portion of your life if you are devoted.
Love God. That is the first and greatest commandment. Being fully devoted is another way to say that. It means that we spend our time, energy, effort in a way that shows our priority. We in the church sometimes call that as having a devotional life. It means that we are intentional to spend time with God.
First United Methodist Church of Lexington believes that a growing follower of Christ will have a growing and dynamic life of devotion. Why do we believe this way? Because Jesus exhibited just such devotion. You find him quoting large sections of Scripture, spending nights in prayer, and consistently in communion with God all through his days. He speaks about when, not if, we pray and fast as to convey that his disciples would follow his example of devotion.
How do we do this? There is not a one size fits all program but there are some universal building blocks we call spiritual practices such as prayer, Scripture reading, and fasting as well as so many others. We want to not just teach but resource you in a life of devotion. One way we want to help is by making a daily devotional reading available. Upon signing up, you will receive a daily Scripture reading along with short thought meant to encourage and challenge you. It is a great way to begin the day centered on God.
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